My Work
![Testimonials project screen shot](./images/TestimonialsScreenShot.png)
Testimonials grid
a Testimonials grid using Css grid with layouts to multiples screen sizes
![weather app screen shot](./images/weather.png)
weather App
Weather app project with real time weather
![blog preview cardproject screen shot](./images/blogscreenshot.png)
Blog preview card
a Blog preview card using vanilla Html and css
![knight travails screenshot](./images/desktopScreenShot.png)
Knight travails project
a Javascript based project showcases the moves of a knight in a chessboard
![four card preview screenshot](./images/fourCard.png)
Four card feature
a responsive four card preview with html and css flex
![base appareal screenshot](./images/baseApp.png)
coming soon page
a responsive Base Apparel coming soon page with Html, Css and Javascript